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Cooperatives Bring Inspiration as well as Results

Author: Alternativa Zdola 20.3.2015 08:41

In 2013 Alternativa Zdola joined the Visegrad Fund's project "Inclusive Local Economies through Cooperatives Development" endorsed by the International Visegrad Fund. The project is administered by the Slovak association Utopia and includes Hungarian and Polish partners. It maps out the current status of cooperatives in individual countries and documents inspiring examples of best practices relating to legislation, as well as media coverage. As an outcome of this project a "cooperative incubator" will be created in each of the four countries, which will serve as information and advisory centers for individuals interested in cooperatives.



Bratislava Is To Host a Discussion about the Future of Cooperativism and Social Economy

Author: pvi 19.3.2015 04:27

From the 4th untlil the 6th of December 2014 the international interdisciplinary conference on cooperativism Visions 4 a Cooperative Future: Cooperativism for the 21st Century Europe & Beyond will take place in Ústav vzdelávania a služieb in Bratislava. The aim of the conference is to address issues related to the status and role of cooperatives and social enterprises in social and economic development in the V4 countries – Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland within a broader European context (South-Eastern and Western Europe) both from the point of view of a historical and theoretical reflection and from practical perspectives. The conference is a part of the international project "Inclusive Local Economies through Cooperatives Development" (INECON) funded by the International Visegrad Fund.

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