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About OpenData group

We are a group of people that would like an open and modern public administration which

Has accepted the principle of: " everything which is not a secret is published" right after the appearance of any kind of   data (exceptions can be made only in the law specified, or necessary and justified cases).

Truly Respects the openness and considers it their duty to publish as much information as possible about their activities, decisions, rules and flows of public finance.

Publishes information on the Internet in an easily accessible and understandable format,

Sees citizens as partners and wants them to cooperate within governance

Leaves the decision-making about the usefulness of the information to citizens themselves

Does not charge for products for which taxpayers have already paid and uses an open-source approach, whenever it is possible,

Really cares about open standards and the quality of information provided, since that is the only way how published data can be used effectively and be available for future processing.

That´s why we established the "free citizens' initiative"  offering solutions to the public sector information access, as well as data publishing according to the principles described above.

We encourage anyone to join who supports defined principles. (Contact)

Citizens' initiative is supported by:

Občiansku iniciatívu podporujú Civic organizations Alliance Fair Play ,Open Society for Information Technology,  and Utopia.

OpenData OpenData

Film: Čo sú otvorené dáta verejného sektora? Na čo sú dobré?

Viac informácií vo filme #opendata. (Titulky k filmu sú aj v češtine)

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News News


Open Scraper Challenge 2014

Pozývame vás na ďalší ročník Open Scraper Challenge, ktorého cieľom odstrániť ďalšie mreže uväzneným dátam.

Akciu organizuje SOIT v spolupráci s a uskutoční sa cez víkend 12. - 13. júla 2014.

Tentokrát budeme scrapovať datasety pre za pomoci nástroja

Prihlásiť sa môžete na adrese doodle vo formáte: meno, mesto
Mesto, ako aj fyzické miesto oznámime na základe predbežnej účasti.

Komunikácia bude prebiehať na kanáli na

Nájdite v sebe geeka a pridajte sa k nám!

Report z  Open Scraper Challenge 2011.

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