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Open Definition v2.0

Author: Gabriel Lachmann
Open Knowledge a Open Definition Advisory Council uvoľnili v týchto dňoch Open Definition verzia 2.0.

Ide o skupinu princípov, ktoré definujú otvorenosť vo vzťahoch dát a obsahu a hrajú kľúčovú rolu v podpore rozvoja open data ekosystému.

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(Bude preložená do Slovenčiny - Ak sa nájde niekto, kto by vedel rýchlo zabezpečiť preklad ozvite sa prosím na opendata(at)

Version 2.0

The Open Definition makes precise the meaning of "open" with respect to knowledge, promoting a robust commons in which anyone may participate, and interoperability is maximized.

Summary: Knowledge is open if anyone is free to access, use, modify, and share it — subject, at most, to measures that preserve provenance and openness.

This essential meaning matches that of "open" with respect to software as in the Open Source Definition and is synonymous with "free" or "libre" as in the Definition of Free Cultural Works. The Open Definition was initially derived from the Open Source Definition, which in turn was derived from the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

The term work will be used to denote the item or piece of knowledge being transferred.

The term license refers to the legal conditions under which the work is made available. Where no license has been offered this should be interpreted as referring to default legal conditions governing use of the work (for example, copyright or public domain).

1. Open Works

An open work must satisfy the following requirements in its distribution:

1.1 Open License

The work must be available under an open license (as defined in Section 2). Any additional terms accompanying the work (such as a terms of use, or patents held by the licensor) must not contradict the terms of the license.

1.2 Access

The work shall be available as a whole and at no more than a reasonable one-time reproduction cost, preferably downloadable via the Internet without charge. Any additional information necessary for license compliance (such as names of contributors required for compliance with attribution requirements) must also accompany the work.

1.3 Open Format

The work must be provided in a convenient and modifiable form such that there are no unnecessary technological obstacles to the performance of the licensed rights. Specifically, data should be machine-readable, available in bulk, and provided in an open format (i.e., a format with a freely available published specification which places no restrictions, monetary or otherwise, upon its use) or, at the very least, can be processed with at least one free/libre/open-source software tool.

2. Open Licenses

A license is open if its terms satisfy the following conditions:

2.1 Required Permissions

The license must irrevocably permit (or allow) the following:

2.1.1 Use

The license must allow free use of the licensed work.

2.1.2 Redistribution

The license must allow redistribution of the licensed work, including sale, whether on its own or as part of a collection made from works from different sources.

2.1.3 Modification

The license must allow the creation of derivatives of the licensed work and allow the distribution of such derivatives under the same terms of the original licensed work.

2.1.4 Separation

The license must allow any part of the work to be freely used, distributed, or modified separately from any other part of the work or from any collection of works in which it was originally distributed. All parties who receive any distribution of any part of a work within the terms of the original license should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with the original work.

2.1.5 Compilation

The license must allow the licensed work to be distributed along with other distinct works without placing restrictions on these other works.

2.1.6 Non-discrimination

The license must not discriminate against any person or group.

2.1.7 Propagation

The rights attached to the work must apply to all to whom it is redistributed without the need to agree to any additional legal terms.

2.1.8 Application to Any Purpose

The license must allow use, redistribution, modification, and compilation for any purpose. The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the work in a specific field of endeavor.

2.1.9 No Charge

The license must not impose any fee arrangement, royalty, or other compensation or monetary remuneration as part of its conditions.

2.2 Acceptable Conditions

The license shall not limit, make uncertain, or otherwise diminish the permissions required in Section 2.1 except by the following allowable conditions:

2.2.1 Attribution

The license may require distributions of the work to include attribution of contributors, rights holders, sponsors and creators as long as any such prescriptions are not onerous.

2.2.2 Integrity

The license may require that modified versions of a licensed work carry a different name or version number from the original work or otherwise indicate what changes have been made.

2.2.3 Share-alike

The license may require copies or derivatives of a licensed work to remain under a license the same as or similar to the original.

2.2.4 Notice

The license may require retention of copyright notices and identification of the license.

2.2.5 Source

The license may require modified works to be made available in a form preferred for further modification.

2.2.6 Technical Restriction Prohibition

The license may prohibit distribution of the work in a manner where technical measures impose restrictions on the exercise of otherwise allowed rights.

2.2.7 Non-aggression

The license may require modifiers to grant the public additional permissions (for example, patent licenses) as required for exercise of the rights allowed by the license. The license may also condition permissions on not aggressing against licensees with respect to exercising any allowed right (again, for example, patent litigation).

Source: OKFN
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About project About project

Projekt OpenData

Author: wiki

Project goals

Based on starting points we declare following goals for the project:

  • to define formats and open source technologies which can be used by institutions to publish data - to create a pilot implementation of Open Data Node,
  • promotion of sharing of public data between citizens and government agencies and between government agencies too,
  • support for third sector for development of solutions on top of this project,
  • creation of prototype collective catalogue,
  • creation of prototype data warehouse (DWH) for collection, processing and storage of meta data about data published by institutions,
  • to develop a reporting layer on top of the data for comfortable creation of reports and modeling of data using web interface - Open Data Portal,
  • to achieve legislation about publication of data generated by public sector using Creative Commons licensing,
  • to promote the idea of using open source solutions in government,
  • to launch "support center" helping future users of this system with its integration with their other systems


First step- definition of formats for sharing and selection of appropriate OSS technologies

Proposed solution includes an open source package and deployment methodology, providing to the organization (ministry, municipality, non-profit organization, corporation) a tool, for publication of data from its internal systems. In first phase we publish public information by using open standards. (for example publicly accessible contracts, invoices, accounting data, public notices etc.)

Every organization can choose what kind of data will publish and how often. We believe, that open communication between organizations and the public will create a sensible compromise between secretiveness and openness.

Publishing of digital documents is peaking in the area of catalogization and archiving of literature and cultural works. If we exchange the idea of a scan of a painting from gallery with the idea of a scan of the invoice from a municipality, we can easily apply results of the research and development from the area of culture into the topic of Open Data. That is the reason, why we borrow already defined communication standard - Open Archives InitiativeProtocol (OAI-PMH). This protocol is suitable for read-only publishing of informations.

Solution also provides access to the data for third party applications, so that collected and published Open Data can be reused more often and in a better way. Also in this case, it is about using proven and existing concepts from other spheres. (Web 2.0, social networks, ...).

Some data, imported into the solution use specialized, scarcely available data formats. Similarly, open interface is defined as a solution for the development of tools, which transform that unique data into more accessible form.

In this way, it is possible to assemble the implementation of OpenData solution from existing and proven open source technologies and standards and to run it in any, even large Slovak organization (ministries, large companies).

In the solution, also its security assesment and development of recommendations of how to run it in various kinds of organizations are included. Then, reference implementation will be deployed for selected subjects and subsequently it will be tested and certified.

We suppose, that for the needs of OpenData implementation, we are gonna be able to successfully use the potential of existing Slovak open source package - Custodea, that implements the digital publishing in the culture sector.

Solution architecture

How it works

  • Installed package of (open source) application - Open Data Node - collects documents and metadata about them, then process them and provides them to the public, institutions and to applications.
  • A document can enter an Open Data Node in a few different ways:
    • User submits a document and fills-in a metadata for it using a webintgerface.
    • Open Data Node, using a Harvester, monitors defined sources and automatically collects and processes (OCR, metadata extraction, conversion, linking with registries, etc.) published documents.
    • Authorized users are verifying, commenting and issuing recommendations for correction or enhancement of the collected documents. In this way, they are thus creating a content of higher quality, with annotations and additional connections (references).
  • All and any data published by information systems and on web pages of the institutions are the source of the documents (and data in general) for this solution - public administration, civil services, third sector but also selected data from private sector. Majority of currently published invoices from public administration and organizations co-financed by government are published in a form of scanned papper documents - those are candidates for data extraction using OCR - or as reports from accounting which the harvester is able to process directly.
  • Important sources of data are public registries, such as Business Register, registers of Statistical Office etc., which will ensure the integrity of references in collected documents and their metadata.
  • Access to the collected data is provided on several levels:
    • publishing for further harvesting (OAI-PMH, FTP, HTTP, ...) by other systems (for example other instances of Open Data Node)
    • services provided over standardized interfaces such as WebService, REST etc. in various formats (XML, JSON, ...) for the maximum potential of the reuse of the collected Open Data by 3rt party applications
    • services with added value provided over standard web internace (browsing)
    • mass export (of selected subset) of metadata in selected format (RDF/XML, SKOS, DublinCore)
  • Presentation of collected data: Open Data Node itself will present the data storing (or registering) in following ways:
    • as simple list of "links", which match given giltger (google-like)
    • faceted browsing / filtering (using various categories - source of the document, type of the document, date etc.)
    • display on the map (for documents which are linked to geographical location, like construction permit, company headquarters etc.)
    • display on time line (for documents which include a information about data and time, such as invoice due date, signing date of contract etc.)
    • table with selected columns, including the ability to export it into CSV (Excel or similar) or XML format
  • Portal: the list of institutions participating in the initiative needs to be maintained, for a start a simple solution like Wiki or blog will be used, but later on creation of formalized directory will be needed.
  • Open architecture: it is possible to freely integrate the individual components of the architecture and individual instances of the system (Open Data Node) as well into hierarchies (cascades, ...) thus allowing maximum flexibility in accomodating various types and purposes of the collected data (segmented or sector systems, for example system for heath care data, education, regional data etc.) and also various degrees of (pre-)processing of input input data - OCR, extraction, format, size, validation, limits.

Illustation of multiple Open Data Node connected into hierarchy