I want to add a new application related to a dataset contained in the catalog to make the application available for data consumers reusing data contained in the dataset in question.
- at least one publicly available dataset exists
Acceptance criteria
- clicks 'Applications' button on the main page of internal catalog
- 'New app' button is available
- clicks 'New app' button
- editable fileds dedicated for new application are available
- Title - name of application (mandatory)
- URL - URL of running instance of application / download URL (mandatory)
- Image URL
- Description
- list of datasets application uses (is related to) (mandatory - at least one dataset has to be added)
- user starts typing name of dataset
- system filters the results as clickable list of publicly available dataset names
- user clicks to selected dataset name from the clickable list
- dataset is added
- by typing another name of dataset the same action can be performed to add another dataset
- clicks 'Save' when satisfied
- application is saved
- if clicks 'Application' button on the main page, application is displayed in the list of applications
- if clicks to dataset name of the related dataset in the list of datasets, application is displayed as related item
- editable fileds dedicated for new application are available
Acceptance criteria are based on CKAN extension from Microcomp