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  1. A design guide with developer empathy.

    News article: DTO mandates APIs for Federal agencies

    Last week the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) released a draft of its API Design Guide for public review.

    An API, or Application Programming Interface, is an approach that defines consistent methods of inputting and outputting data into a software system based on internet protocols. APIs are regularly used by Web 2.0 services as a standard way to connect to each other, share information and support seamless integrated functions (such as connecting your mailing list service with your survey tool).

    The government already has a few APIs, generally around the edge of its services and functions – such as for the National Library’s Trove service and the Pharmaceuticals Benefit Scheme.

    However what is suggested in the DTO’s post is that the DTO is looking to make it mandatory for government agencies to create APIs for all new services, and to consume their own APIs when delivering those services.
