2. Document context

2.1. Purpose of document

The research and development project COMSODE had as one of the main objectives within its 24 months of duration to create a publication platform called Open Data Node (ODN) that builds on results of previous research and development in the linked data field. Its mission was to bring results from research environment into real-world for people, SMEs and other organizations to use and reuse.

ODN is a foundation for a data integration platform based on Open Data which allows the reuse of data not only between public bodies and end-users but also among public bodies themselves: public bodies can exchange information by using the same infrastructure and tools as end-users which can decrease costs of exchanging the data and in most cases also enhance the quality and speed of the exchange.

This document represents the output of Task 2.2 - Architecture and design of the publication platform (ODN) of the COMSODE project and is maintained since then to reflect changes.

The purpose of the document is to provide overview of the architecture of Open Data Node, its modules, dependencies between modules and main communication interfaces.

For particular modules you can find description of their functionality and also overview of design of the modules.

Finally, it also describes possible deployment environments where ODN can be installed.

2.2. Related Documents

  • COMSODE DOW, version date 2013-08-08, pages 7-8 and 42-43

  • COMSODE Deliverable 2.1: User requirements for the publication platform from target organizations, including the map of typical environments
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