3. Methodology used

3.1. Methodology

The architecture of the system and design were created in an iterative way – from outlines in the OpenData.sk Wiki, through COMSODE (DoW, the meetings and discussions within consortium and with User Board, to Deliverable D2.3) to current form described in this document. We took into account also previous development of components of the system, as some of them existed before the COMSODE project started or evolved after COMSODE project ended.

The COMSODE project used internal collaborative space - called wiki - based on Atlassian Confluence technology with access of all members of the project team. There was established a dedicated space in the internal wiki for collection of inputs to the architecture and design from consortium members and from members of User Board. Also input (obtained by means other than wiki) from possible users of the platform was included in use cases. As part of final COMSODE outputs, ODN documentation was copied into this public Wiki hosted by OpenData.sk community.

ODN platform is planed to reuse, integrate and extend Open Source components, and architecture is based on the current status of those components and also on what additional features are possible to be included in those components.

It is expected, that the document will be updated when significant design changes are required due to changes in existing components or when a new component that better fits the project needs becomes available and can replace the currently selected component.

3.2. Partner contributions

The architecture and design document was prepared under management of COMSODE consortium member - EEA Ltd. Tomas Knap and Peter Hanečák are architects of ODN and UnifiedViews and DSE CUNI provided main input to Use cases. Project coordinator UNIMIB, DSE CUNI and ADDSEN have reviewed the pre-final version of the document.

After end of COMSODE project, EEA is helping to maintain this documentation.

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