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This is a shorter version of page Implemenetation of project OpenData meant for publicity purposes.

  • Project OpenData aims to provide reference Open Source implementation for open publishing of data by institutions and individuals,
  • implementation suitable for national, sector or individual solutions.
Project goals
  • creation of a pilot implementation of Open Data Node which can be used by institutions to publish data,
  • promotion of sharing of public data between citizens and government agencies and between government agencies too,
  • support for third sector for development of solutions on top of this project,
  • to achieve legislation about publication of data generated by public sector using Creative Commons licensing,
  • to promote the idea of using open source solutions in government,
Implementation plan
  1. definition of formats for sharing of data
  2. selection of appropriate OSS technologies
  3. implementation of an open source package and deployment methodology
    1. creation of prototype collective catalogue
    2. creation of prototype data warehouse (DWH) for collection, processing and storage
    3. development of Open Data Portal containing reporting layer for comfortable creation of reports and modeling of data
  4. launch of "support center" helping future users of this system with its integration with their other systems

Every organization can choose what kind of data will publish and how often. We believe, that open communication between organizations and the public will create a sensible compromise between secretiveness and openness.

  • reuse of what's already available
  • selection of the best of what's available
  • use feedback from this project to improve selected formats and technologies
  • conversion of data in specialized, scarcely available data formats into more accessible form

Example #1: Publishing of digital documents is peaking in the area of catalogization and archiving of literature and cultural works. Thanks to similarities with Open Data, we can borrow already defined communication standard Open Archives Initiative Protocol (OAI-PMH).

Example #2: Reuse of proven and existing concepts from other spheres (Web 2.0, social networks, etc.) will allow solution to effectively publish the data for further reuse.

Solution architecture

How it works

Installed open source package Open Data Node collects documents and metadata about them, then process them and provides them to the public, institutions and to applications.

  • A document can enter an Open Data Node in a following ways:
    • User submits a document and fills-in a metadata for it using a webinterface.
    • Open Data Node, using a Harvester, automatically collects and processes (OCR, metadata extraction, conversion, linking with registries, etc.) documents published elsewhere.
    • Authorized users generate enhanced on new content (through verification, commenting, correction, correlation or other enhancement of the collected data).
  • Access to the collected data is provided on several levels:
    • publishing for further harvesting by other systems (for example other instances of Open Data Node): OAI-PMH, FTP, HTTP, ...
    • interfaces for 3rd party applications: standardized interfaces (WebService, REST, ...) in various formats (XML, JSON, ...)
    • web interface: services with added value: Open Data Portal, ...
    • mass export: RDF/XML, SKOS, DublinCore
  • Open Data Portal (http://):
    • presentation of the data stored in Open Data Node itself: goolge-like search, faceted browsing / filtering, display on the map or timeline, tables, ...
    • the list of institutions participating in the data publication: Wiki, blog, later more formalized directory

Illustation of multiple Open Data Nodes connected into hierarchy

For more information about the project, please visit .

For more information about who we are, please visit .

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  1. Pojem PLAN je nezrorumitelný. Co mas na mysli ? Mas na mysli postup iplmenetácie u konkrétneho klienta ? Alebo nas plán ?

    Na miesto Methodology odporucam pouzit pojem Principles

    Tie ciele maju velmi rozdielnu uroven. Su tak koncepcne ciele a su tam prostriedky an ich dosiahnutie. Resp. miesas ciele a prostriedky. Prve 3 + promotion Open source su Ciele.
    Potom su tam veci ako support center - ti nie je ciel - ale prostriedok na naplnenie ciel. Treba to odlisit aby jasne vyzneli skutocne CIELE, riesenia a nestratili sa v text.

    1. Na zaklade poznamky som pozmenil dokument: niektore polozky z "goals" som presunul do "implementatin plan", ... Vysledkom je verzia 8.

      Veticku "For more information, please visit ." som posunul na koniec, kedze do odstavca "Project goals" nepatri, lebo sa tyka dokumentu ako takeho. Pri zalamovani na A4 potlacenu obojstranne by ta veticka mala byt niekde na spodku ale na oboch stranach listu.

      1. Stale ako citatel nerozumiem co je Implementation plan. Je to nejaky ukazkovy plan (sample), alebo nejaky konkretny plan ako by sme to robili keby, alebo je to plan podla ktoreho postupujeme ? Alebo je to plan postupu ktory navrhujeme pre organizacie ktore chcu imlementovat Open data ?

        1. Je to "plan podla ktoreho postupujeme". Mne ako pisatelovi a implementatotovi to (zial) jasne je a teda prosim o pomoc s vhodnou formulaciou lebo nijaky iny nadpis ma uz nenapada.

          1. Skoda ze nie si teraz na Skype - kratky chat by to vysvetlil rychlejsie

            1. Dodal som este "introduction", a "For more information about who we are". Verzia stranky 10.

              TODO: prelozit a vypublikovat ako . Na papier uz ale zalomit anglicku linku, kedze tlac zrejme prebehne skor nez preklad textu na portale.