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  1. http://confine-project.eu/open-call-2/

    Open Call 2: Connected communities: A future internet, built by the people for the people

    The EU-funded CONFINE project is organizing two open calls to offer our experimental facilities to external experimenters from academia, industry, and other community networks. This second (and last) open call will close on Saturday October 19, 2013, at 17:00h Brussels time.


    Check the expected characteristics of the testbed for 2013 to make sure experiments proposed can be supported by our testbed. If you are interested in applying to this call and receiving funding for your participation, please find the information for the open call below. A (growing) list of frequently asked questions is available.

    • Budget available in this open call: In this call, up to EUR 750 K€ Commission funding will be made available. The requested funding per proposal should normally be in the order of EUR 50 to 100 K€.
    • Total number of selected proposals: The CONFINE project will offer funding for up to 8-15 proposals.
    • Number of partners per proposal: The target number of partners per experiment is usually 1 but can be up to 2.
    • Types of participation: We are looking for:
      • i) experiments relevant to community networks that make use of the existing Community-Lab testbed.
      • ii) expansion of the Community-Lab testbed over other community networks that bring added value to the testbed.
    • Duration of the participation: The minimum duration is 12 months from February 2014, and the maximum duration is 20 months, until end of the project in September 30, 2015.
    • Submissions: Proposals should be submitted in English and the submission is accepted only electronically, in a single PDF file, to the following email address: confine-oc-submission@ac.upc.edu.
    • Deadline: This open call will close on Saturday October 19, 2013, at 17:00h Brussels time.
    • Contact: Felix Freitag, UPC, phone: +34 934011609, Email (preferably) for information (not submissions): opencall2@confine-project.eu