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UnifiedViews allows users to define and adjust data processing tasks (pipelines) using a graphical user interface (see Figure below); the core components of every data processing task are data processing units (DPUs). DPUs may be drag&dropped on the canvas where the data processing task is constructed. Data flow between two DPUs is denoted as an edge on the canvas; a label on the edge clarifies which outputs of a DPU are mapped to which inputs of another DPU. UnifiedViews natively supports exchange of RDF data between DPUs; apart from that, files may be exchanged between DPUs.

How does it work?

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Figure 1


What else can Unified Views do ?

Loading transformed data

ODN/UnifiedViews comprises of the important components as follows:  


loads the transformed data to ODN/Storage.

A special DPUs - RDF data mart loader and Tabular data mart loader must be provided to load transformed data to ODN/Storage to the corresponding data store.

The data must be stored there together with metadata, so that ODN/Publication module knows which resources (tables, graphs) are associated with which pipeline/dataset.

Managing piplelines

ODN/UnifiedView will provide RESTful management API, which will be used by ODN/Management to:

  • create new data transformation task (pipeline)
  • configure existing pipeline and get configuration of the pipeline
  • delete the pipeline
  • execute the pipeline
  • schedule the pipeline

An excerpt of the methods, which will be available to ODN/Management in a RESTful format is depicted below:

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Other management features

Management GUI of ODN/UnifiedViews is used by ODN/Management to:

  • show the pipeline detail in an expert mode (user may drag&drop DPUs, fine-tune pipeline configuration)
  • show the detailed results of pipeline executions (browse events/logs)
  • debug data being passed between DPUs
  • have an access to advanced scheduling options


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Figure 1





Other features

Scheduling and planning of data processing tasks
