Who can do it? (User role)

Data Consumer


I want without authentication to search publicly available catalog records specifying keyword(s) to be matched against the metadata fields of a dataset so that I can see the details of dataset(s) containing the keyword(s) immediately without the need of manually checking through the list.


  • at least one publicly available catalog record exists in catalog

How to do it:

  • DataConsumer selects 'Datasets' menu item in catalog
    • list of publicly available catalog records is displayed
    • private records are not visible
    • deleted records are not visible
  • DataConsumer enters a keyword(s) to be searched into dedicated search field and clicks 'search' button
    • number of catalog records matching the keyword(s) is displayed
    • reduced list of catalog records passing the search criteria is displayed
    • private records are not visible
    • deleted records are not visible
  • DataConsumer can sort the list based on 'Name Ascending', 'Name Descending', 'Last modification time', 'Popularity' or 'Relevance' fields
  • DataConsumer can select dataset to view details (clicks dataset 'Name')
