Who can do this (User role)

Data Publisher


I want to set an external catalog for a publicly available dataset where only metadata about dataset and its resources are pushed (no data are synchronized) so that there is no copy of data created when dataset is synchronized in the target catalog. This helps to synchronize dataset records between catalogs even if no support of triplestore/relational DB is available in target catalog.   


  • at least one publicly available dataset exists

How to do it:

  • clicks on publicly available dataset 'Name' in the list of internal catalog records
  • clicks 'Manage' button
  • selects 'Publishing' tab
    • the list of associated external catalogs is displayed
  • selects 'Add catalog' from 'Action' combo box
    • combo box 'Type of target catalog' containing supported types of cataloguing platforms is displayed, the following values are available: 'CKAN'
  • fills in the text field 'URL of external catalog'
  • fills in the authorization information (API key) if needed (checkbox)
  • fills in the 'Organization' = name of the organization that the user (whose API key is used) belongs to in external catalog
  • when satisfied, clicks 'Save'
    • newly configured external catalog is displayed in the list of associated external catalogs
  • 'Last sync on' represents date and time of last synchronization run
    • N/A - newly created external catalog, no synchronization was started yet
  • 'Status' represents the resulting status of last synchronization run, it takes following values:
    • N/A - newly created external catalog, no synchronization was started yet
    • OK - last synchronization with external catalog was successfull
    • FAILED - last synchronization with external catalog was not successfull  
  • 'Metadata only' represents a choice (checkbox) whether:
    • both data+metadata to be synchronized (unchecked, by default) or 
    • only metadata to be synchronized (checked)
  • the catalog record is replicated also to external catalog(s) in the list of associated external catalogs automatically each time it is updated/modified in internal catalog
    • data and metadata are replicated according to 'Metadata only' setting for each catalog in the list
