1 Comment

  1. Contains:

    • guidelines on recommended standard licences


    Open standard licences, for example the most recent Creative Commons (CC) licences ( 6 ) (version 4.0), could allow the re-use of PSI without the need to develop and update custom-made licences at national or sub-national level. Of these, the CC0 public domain dedication ( 7 ) is of particular interest. As a legal tool that allows waiving copyright and database rights on PSI, it ensures full flexibility for re-users and reduces the complications associated with handling numerous licences, with possibly conflicting provisions.


    • guidelines on datasets


    Categories of data – priorities for release

    1. Geospatial data
    2. Earth observation and Environment
    3. Transport data
    4. Statistics
    5. Companies


    • guidelines on charging


    Instead, the principle of marginal cost charging fits best within the broad category of ‘data distribution’, which in the context of data re-use could be defined as costs directly relating to, and necessitated by, the reproduction of an additional copy of a document and making it available to the re-users.


    Directive does not preclude a zero-cost policy: it allows for documents to be made available for re-use free of charge. At the same time it limits any charges to the marginal costs incurred for the reproduction, provision and dissemination of documents.


    In an online environment, however, total charges could be limited to the costs relating directly to the maintenance and functioning of the infrastructure (electronic database), subject to what is necessary for reproducing the documents and providing them to one more re-user. Given that average database running costs are low and falling, the figure is likely to be close to zero.
