Who can do this (User role)

Data Publisher


I want to import a pipeline created using other ODN instance so that I can use it within my own ODN instance. 


  • zip file representing a result of pipeline export containing no DPU JARs exists on local file system

How to do it

    • selects and clicks 'Unified Views' from 'Tools' combo box on main page of internal catalog
      • 'Home' page of ODN/UV is displayed
    • clicks 'Pipelines' in main menu
      • list of all existing pipelines in the system is displayed
      • 'Import pipeline' button is available
    • clicks 'Import pipeline' button
      • 'Pipeline import' dialog is displayed
        • 'Upload file' button is available
      • clicks 'Upload file' button
        • upload dialog for selection of file to be uploaded from local file system is displayed
      • selects exported zip file containing configurations of DPU instances and optionally also scheduling rule(s) from local file system
        • upload dialog is closed
        • name of the zip file is displayed in dedicated field
        • system checks the content of the file after selection
          • if the name of the pipeline imported already exists in the system an error message is displayed 'Pipeline with such name already exists in the system' 
              • 'Import' button is disabled
          • if the pipeline uses DPU(s) of version older or the same as the DPUs contained in the target system and no 3rd level DPU template is referenced by the DPU instance within the pipeline (there is no DPU within the pipeline containing checked 'Use template configuration' checkbox)
              • list of DPUs which are used in imported pipeline is displayed containing
                • DPU template
                • DPU  JAR name
                • Version
              • empty list of missing or newer DPUs is displayed containing
                • DPU template
                • Description (missing/outdated)
              • 'Import' button is available
              • clicks 'Import' button if satisfied
                • system creates the pipeline and uses the imported configurations of DPU instances to configure the pipeline, scheduling rule(s) are assigned if the zip file contains any 
                • 'Pipeline import' dialog is closed with message 'Import of the pipeline was successful. No new DPUs were installed and/or updated.'
                • imported pipeline works exactly the same way as it works on the system it was exported from (as long as the system where the pipeline is imported has the same access to external network resources)
                • 'Pipeline import' dialog is closed and the imported pipeline is listed in the list of existing pipelines 
          • if the pipeline uses DPU(s) of version older or the same as the DPUs contained in the target system and there is at least one 3rd level DPU template referenced by the DPU instance within the pipeline (there is at least one DPU within the pipeline containing checked 'Use template configuration' checkbox)
              • list of DPUs which are used in imported pipeline is displayed containing
                • DPU template
                • DPU  JAR name
                • Version
            • for each 3rd level DPU template referenced by the DPU instance perform the following check:
            • if the name is the same and the config is different and such DPU template to the list of missing or newer DPUs with Description: 'DPU template is missing'
              • list of missing or newer DPUs is displayed containing
                • DPU template
                • Description (missing), hovering over the description with mouse, detailed description is displayed containing also the missing DPU JAR
            • if both the name and the config are the same, system changes automatically the reference for DPU instance of the pipeline to 3rd level DPU template in the target system
              • such DPU is not added to the list of missing or newer DPUs
            • 'Import' button is available
            • clicks 'Import' button
            • 'Choose import strategy' dialog is displayed (if there is at least one DPU template in conflict = the same name, different config) containing
              • list of all DPU templates in conflict
              • for each DPU conflict there are two options displayed (radio buttons), hovering over the options with mouse, detailed description is displayed
                • Use template configuration from target system (changes the reference in imported pipeline to current template configuration)
                • Create new instance configuration (recommended) (removes the reference to template configuration and makes a copy of the originally referenced configuration to instance configuration)
              • 'Cancel' button is available
              • 'OK' button is available
                • if clicks 'Cancel', dialog is closed, no import is performed
                • if clicks 'OK' 
                  • import is performed using the selected strategy for all DPUs in conflict
                  • system creates the pipeline and uses the imported configurations of DPU instances to configure the pipeline, scheduling rule(s) are assigned if the zip file contains any 
                  • 'Pipeline import' dialog is closed with message 'Import of the pipeline was successful. No new DPUs were installed and/or updated.'
                  • imported pipeline works exactly the same way as it works on the system it was exported from (as long as the system where the pipeline is imported has the same access to external network resources) 
                  • 'Pipeline import' dialog is closed and the imported pipeline is listed in the list of existing pipelines 
          • if the pipeline uses DPU(s) of version newer
            • list of DPUs which are used in imported pipeline is displayed containing
              • DPU template
              • DPU  JAR name
              • Version
            • list of missing or newer DPUs is displayed containing 
              • DPU template (with version newer than DPUs currently installed)
              • Description (outdated), hovering over the description with mouse, detailed description is displayed containing both the current and the required version of DPU JAR
            • 'Import' button is disabled
            • 'Cancel button' is available
              • if clicks 'Cancel' button
                  • 'Pipeline import' dialog is closed
                  • the imported pipeline is not listed in the list of existing pipelines
                  • import of pipeline is not performed
          • if the pipeline uses DPU(s) that do not exist in target system
            • list of DPUs which are used in imported pipeline is displayed containing
              • DPU template
              • DPU  JAR name
              • Version
            • list of missing or newer DPUs is displayed containing 
              • DPU template (of non-existing DPU in target system)
              • Description (missing), hovering over the description with mouse, detailed description is displayed containing also the missing DPU JAR
            • 'Import' button is disabled
            • 'Cancel button' is available
              • if clicks 'Cancel' button 
                • 'Pipeline import' dialog is closed
                • the imported pipeline is not listed in the list of existing pipelines
                • import of pipeline is not performed

