
Integration of ODN components

  • Internal Catalog (ODN/InternalCatalog)
  • UnifiedViews (ODN/UV)
  • Public Catalog (ODN/Catalog, starting yesterday we will call it ODN/PublicCatalog) - merged with Internal Catalog
  • Storage (ODN/Storage)
  • Publication (ODN/Publication) (warning) - to discuss Knap TomasHanečák Peter
  • Management (ODN/Management) - merged with Internal catalog

Time frame

2014/10/15 - 2014/12/17

Planning and tracking


Release is planed to have first complete ODN version with integrated all main components of ODN according to defined architecture and ready for testing.

User stories for Data Consumer:

User stories for Data Publisher

User stories for ODN Administrator


Open Data Noder v0.9.0 was released December 17, 2014. It consist of following versions of components:

Debian packages are available at:

Installation manual for ODN box using Debian package (odn-simple):

List of issues included in the release is available:

Installation Manual

Supported distribution is Debian Wheezy. To install packages from COMSODE Debian repository, please follow these steps:

  1. Add ODN packages repository into apt-sources-list: 

    echo "deb wheezy main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odn.list
  2. Add ODN public key: 

    wget -O - | apt-key add -
  3. Update apt sources: 

    aptitude update
  4. install ODN box: 

    aptitude install odn-simple


  • No labels


  1. I am missing some basic for GUI design. I mean mainly typical flow of actions (screens, storyboard, flow diagram) or anythink that can help.
    We understand that CKAN will be entry point, and now it is clear that it will be mixture of Internal and External catalogue.

    I am also missing any intergration with Spinque Search. This will not be available in Ver. 0.9.
    It is necessary to be aware of fact that Ver. 0.9 will be used also for presale (exploitation) activities. So even it is focused to presentation in Luxembourg, it is also "normal" release for further usage.

    1. sto_47 was updated with mockups, also other stories that are not CKAN out of box features will contain mockups.

      Spinq search integration is weak, it requires only access to publication part of ODN (to be able to download data). I understand it as standalone application on top of ODN, consumer of published data.