
UnifiedViews 2.0 with improved DPUs, upgrade of CKAN to v2.3, SSO support with management of users in midPoint.

Time frame



Release is planed to support standard scenarios for publication of data including:

  • data available for consumers as dumps, SPARQL endpoint, REST API
  • processing of tabular and RDF data
  • single sign on
  • user management

First version that have integrated all components defined in architecture of Open Data Node and is ready for installation by end users (data publishers and aggregators or application developers).

Version 1.0.0 was not released due to integration issues and SSO misconfiguration. Version 1.0.1 is identical in features implemented.


User stories for Data Consumer

User stories for Data Publisher

User stories for ODN Administrator


Open Data Node v1.0.1 was released  . It consist of following versions of components:

Debian packages are available at:

Installation manual for ODN using Debian package (odn-simple):

List of issues included in the release is available:

Installation manual

Upgrade from ODN v0.11.0 is not correctly supported due to change of CKAN version and also infrastructure changes.

Supported distribution is Debian Wheezy (7.x). To install packages from COMSODE Debian repository, please follow these steps:

  1. Configure debian box properly, mainly hostname shall be defined as box visible from external network

  2. Add ODN packages repository into apt-sources-list: 

    echo "deb wheezy main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odn.list
  3. Add ODN public key: 

    wget -O - | apt-key add -
  4. Update apt sources: 

    aptitude update
  5. install ODN box: 

    aptitude install odn-simple

    System requires the following user input during the installation process:

    • ldap password: whatever password can be used
    • Virtuoso password: dba

    If you want to reduce packages that are not necessary, then call
    aptitude install --without-recommends odn-simple  

Post-install steps

By default, some users are created during aptitude installation (see bellow). It is necessary to enable casadmin user to work as SSO user.

  1. Go to midpoint login page (https://<hostname>/midpoint/login)
  2. Login as midpoint administrator (administrator/5ecr3t)
  3. go to menu Users->ListUsers
  4. select user casadmin
  5. select action Reconcile from dropdown actions button 

URLs of components

After successful installation the following URLs are assigned: 

  • ODN/PublicCatalog
    • http://<hostname>/
    • https://<hostname>/
  • ODN/InternalCatalog: https://<hostname>/internalcatalog
  • ODN/UnifiedViews: https://<hostname>/unifiedviews
  • ODN/midPoint: https://<hostname>/midpoint/login
  • ODN/cas: https://<hostname>/cas

Only public catalog is accessible also via http protocol, other services are accessible only via https due to the fact that there is transfer sensitive information.


Default users

After successful installation the following users are created (can be used immediately): (warning) TODO correction needed


UsernamePasswordRole in componentODN role
ODN/PublicCatalogadminadminCKAN sysadmin 
ODN/InternalCatalogsee ODN/CASsee ODN/CASCKAN editor 
Unified Viewssee ODN/CASsee ODN/CASAdministrator, User 
ODN/midpointadministrator5ecr3t ODN user Administrator

You are strongly advised to change them right after installation. (TODO: add short description about how to change passwords)

Known issues

  • L-Catalog DPU is included in the installation accidentally, it shall be removed manually from UnifiedViews



Java 7 support

tomcat 7 uses by default java 6 so it is necessary to change default java for tomcat. Edit /etc/default/tomcat7, update environment variable JAVA_HOME.


Python dependency update

In case of fresh clean Debian Wheezy installation the steps described above should work, no other commands are required. However in some cases some python dependency problems has been detected (when the Debian environment was created as a result of virtualization). 

In such cases the following steps are required to resolve the dependency problems:

apt-get purge python\*
apt-get install python2.7-minimal  -V
apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi -V
apt-get install lsb-release  -V
apt-get install python-pkg-resources  -V
apt-get install python-pip  -V
apt-get install python-setuptools  -V
aptitude install odn-simple -V
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