Who can do this (User role)

Data Publisher




I want to associate an external catalog(s) with a publicly available dataset so that the publicly available catalog record will be available for a broader range of data consumers.


  • publicly available dataset record exist in internal catalog

How to do it:

  • clicks on publicly available dataset 'Name' in the list of internal catalog records
  • clicks 'Manage' button
  • selects 'Publishing' tab
    • the list of associated external catalogs is displayed
  • selects 'Add catalog' from 'Action' combo box
    • combo box 'Type of target catalog' containing supported types of cataloguing platforms is displayed
      • selects the desired type of cataloguing platform from combo box
    • fills in the URL of target external catalog in text field 'URL of external catalog'
    • fills in the authorization information (API key) if needed (checkbox)
    • fills in the 'Organization' = name of the organization that the user (whose API key is used) belongs to in external catalog (if left blank, system uses the organization name of the organization the dataset belongs to), note that the organization name should be entered extactly the same way as it is used in the URL of the organization in internal catalog (https://hostname//internalcatalog/organization/<<organization name>>)
      • 'Verify' button behavior:
        • while the URL in 'URL of external catalog' is not syntacticaly valid, the 'Verify' button is disabled
        • system validates the syntax of the URL each time the content of 'URL of external catalog' is modified
        • if the syntax is considered valid, 'Verify' button is available
    • clicks 'Verify' 
      • system verifies the external catalog response
      • if the response is received 'Verify' button changes to 'Save'
      • if the response is not received 'The external catalog is not responding.' error message is displayed 
    • if clicks 'Save'
      • newly configured external catalog is displayed in the list of associated external catalogs
      • 'Last sync on' represents date and time of last synchronization run
        • N/A - newly created external catalog, no synchronization was started yet
      • 'Status' represents the resulting status of last synchronization run, it takes following values:
        • N/A - newly created external catalog, no synchronization was started yet
        • OK - last synchronization with external catalog was successfull
        • FAILED - last synchronization with external catalog was not successfull  
      • the catalog record is replicated also to external catalog(s) in the list of associated external catalogs automatically each time it is updated/modified in internal catalog


