Who can do this (User role)



I want to check what applications are available (work with) for dataset(s) contained in the catalog.


  • at least one publicly available dataset exists in the catalog
  • at least one application using data of a publicly available dataset in the catalog exists

How to do it:

  • 'Applications' main menu item is available on the main page
    • displays all applications in the catalog as clickable icons (images) with names and description
    • if user clicks an icon, application details are displayed containing
      • Image of application (icon)
      • Name of application
      • Description of application
      • URL to running application instance or download URL
      • List of dataset(s) used by application (clickable links to catalog records of dataset(s))
      • if clicks to dataset, 
        • details about dataset (metadata about dataset) are displayed
        • all related applications are displayed as clickable icons (images) with names and description  

  • if user clicks to dataset Name in the list of datasets 
    • details about dataset (metadata about dataset) are displayed
    • all related applications are displayed as clickable icons (images) with names and description  
    • if clicks to application
      • application details are displayed
