Who can do this (User role)



I want to display detailed information about intermediate data and metadata flowing between DPUs within the pipeline already executed in debug mode so that I can analyse and optimize the pipeline created.


  • at least one associated pipeline executed exists

How to do it:

  • selects the dataset by clicking on its name in the list of datasets
  • clicks 'Manage' button
  • selects 'Pipelines' tab
  • clicks to 'Last run status' for the selected pipeline to be debugged
    • list of last 20 pipeline executions is displayed containing:
      • 'Status' - the resulting status of the execution
      • 'Pipeline' - the name of the pipeline
      • 'Started' - date and time of execution
      • 'Duration' - duration of the pipeline execution 
      • 'Debug' - true in case the pipelibne was executed with debugging enabled
      • 'Scheduled' - true in case there is a scheduling rule set for the pipeline
      • 'Executed by' - user who executed the pipeline
  • clicks 'Debug pipeline' icon for selected pipeline 
    • 'Events', 'Log', 'Browse/Query' and 'Options' tabs are displayed
    • clicks 'Browse/Query'tab
    • selects DPU input/output
    • defines SPARQL query 
    • if clicks 'Run query'
      • results are displayed as text
    • if clicks 'Run query and download'
      • results are downloaded as file in preselected format (e.g. RDF/XML, etc.) to local file system

