Who can do this (User role)

ODN Administrator


I want to define a catalog where publicly available datasets are automaticaly published / synchronized so that public data can be used by public via defined catalog.


  • at least one catalog record is created in internal catalog and belongs to an Organization

How to do it:

  • synchronization implemented as CKAN extension
  • url of default external catalog is configured via CKAN ini file
  • API key is configured via CKAN ini file
  • when dataset or resource is modified in Internal Catalog and dataset is Public
    • if copy in Public Catalog exists, it is updated (both data and metadata) in default external  catalog
    • if copy in Public Catalog is not yet created, it is created (both data and metadata) in default external catalog
  • in CKAN ini file only one catalog is defined as default external catalog, additional external catalogs can be defined per dataset in GUI
  • if no default external catalog is defined, then no action is done
  • only defined subset of catalog record metadata or catalog resource metadata is synchronized, this list is configured in configuration file
  • synchroniser have to detect change of configuration and then synchronize all data after detection
  • for each publicly available dataset the default external catalog is displayed in the list of associated external catalogs
  • 'Edit' button is not available for default external catalog
