Who can do it? (User role)



I want to filter catalog records (public or private) based on one of the following sections ('Organisations' publishing the dataset, 'Groups', 'Tag(s)' of the dataset, preferred 'Format(s)' of the dataset, the required 'License') so that I can easily identify dataset(s) related to group of my interest without the need of manually browsing through the list.


  • at least one catalog record is created in internal catalog

How to do it:

  • clicks 'Organizations' menu item in internal catalog
    • list of all Organizations is displayed
  • clicks to Organization user belongs to
    • list of internal catalog records for selected Organization is displayed 
  • selects and clicks one or more filtering option(s) organized in 'Organizations', 'Groups', 'Tags', 'Formats' and 'Licenses' section
    • reduced list of catalog records passing the selected filtering option(s) is displayed
  • clicks dataset 'Name' to view details about dataset
  • user can deselect filtering option(s)
    • list of catalog records passing the selected filtering option(s) is displayed
    • all catalog records are displayed when last filtering option was deselected

