Who can do this? (User role)



I want to leave a comment for a publicly available dataset so that I can share my experience with the dataset published, suggest improvements/corrections in data.


  • at least one publicly available catalog record exists in catalog

How to do it:

  • clicks on dataset 'Name' in the list of publicly available catalog records
    • available metadata about the selected dataset is displayed 
    • list of existing comments is displayed for the dataset
  • 'Add new comment' button is available for adding new commnents 
  • 'Reply' button is available for every existing comment for adding a reply to an existing comment
  • if clicks 'Add new comment' or 'Reply':
    • editable text field 'Name' is displayed (mandatory)
    • editable text block 'Comment' is displayed (mandatory)
    • captcha picture is generated with editable text field (mandatory)
    • 'Submit' button is available
  • fills the fields and clicks 'Submit' if satisfied
    • system verifies the captcha user input
    • system verifies if all mandatory fields are filled
  • if mandatory information is missing, error message is displayed, comment is not submitted
  • if incorrect captcha string is entered, error message is displayed, comment is not submitted
  • if comment is submitted correctly, the following information is displayed in the list of comments
    • name of submitter
    • date and time of submission
    • text of the comment
  • list of comments is displayed as hierarchical structure 




Acceptance criteria are based on CKAN extension from Microcomp https://github.com/microcomp/ckanext-dataset_comments with the following modifications:

  • no need for user to be logged in (annonymous commenting)
    • additional editable field for 'name'
  • captcha tool to avoid spamming
  • likes/dislikes rating feature is not included in the criteria, however it can be added if required