Who can do this (User role)



I want to get data items contained in the selected publicly available dataset according to selection criteria defined as SPARQL query.


  • at least one publicly available dataset with at least one resource available as RDF data exists

How to do it:

  • clicks the selected dataset 'Name' in the list of publicly available catalog records
    • list of available resources for a dataset are displayed
  • clicks to resource 'Name' of a resource presented as SPARQL endpoint for RDF data
    • metadata fields about dataset resource are displayed
    • clickable URL of SPARQL endpoint query interface is available with:
  • clicks to URL of SPARQL enpoint query interface
    • pre-filled Graph IRI is displayed (can be modified)
    • editable text field dedicated to SPARQL query is displayed
    • 'Results format' combo box for results format selection is available
    • 'Run query' button is available
    • clicks 'Run query' button   
      • if the query was successful, results are displayed in browser (in case of HTML result format) or downloaded to local file system (in case of other result formats) 
      • if the query was not successful, SPARQL engine error message is displayed in browser
