Who can do this (User role)

Data Publisher


I want to push metadata about the publicly available dataset published in one instance of ODN to public catalog of another instance of ODN.


publicly available dataset exists in internal catalog of source instance of ODN

How to do it:

  • defines external catalog for publicly available dataset in ODN/IC of source instance of ODN, the following configuration details are used:

    • user (whose API key is used when external catalog is defined) - must exist in ODN/PC of target instance of ODN
    • organization - must exist in ODN/PC of target instance of ODN
    • user must have at least Editor role within the organization in ODN/PC of target instance of ODN
  • if dataset with same name already exists in ODN/PC of target instance of ODN:
    • if the dataset on source instance of ODN belongs to different organization, the following error message is displayed "The external catalog already contains a dataset with the same name!"
      • the same error message is displayed each time the "Synchronize with all external catalogs now" or "Synchronize now" button is pressed
      • no synchronization is performed
    • if the dataset belongs to the same organization, the metadata of a dataset in ODN/PC of the target instance of ODN is ovewritten by metadata from source instance of ODN
  • if dataset with the same name does not exist in ODN/PC of target instance of ODN, new dataset is created in ODN/PC of target instance of ODN
  • after a successfull synchronization (replication) the ODN/PC of the target instance of ODN contains a dataset that is not contained in ODN/IC of the target instance of ODN
  • it is possible to ceate a dataset with the same name in ODN/IC of the target instance of ODN
  • when the Visibility is changed from Private to Public for such dataset:
    • if the private dataset in ODN/IC of the target instance of ODN belongs to different organization, the following error message is displayed: "The public catalog already contains a dataset with the same name!"
      • visibility can not be set to Public
    • if the private dataset in ODN/IC of the target instance of ODN belongs to the same organization, both the metadata and the resources of a dataset are overwritten in ODN/PC of the target instance of ODN   
