The easy to use service delivers greater user experience through a variety of new features. These include:
A new data hub providing easy access to all Ordnance Survey’s OS OpenData Linked Data datasets.
New bulk download option for all three OS OpenData Linked Data products
Separate datasets, which will allow you to narrow down and filter searches. For example, if you are looking for postcode information, you can query just the Code-Point Open Linked dataset.
Embedded OS OpenSpace map to show the geographic location of your chosen datasets.
Improved metadata for each dataset such as publication dates, licensing terms and coverage.
SPARQL 1.1 compliant endpoints for all datasets, which provide more functionality for querying our Linked Data.
Redesigned search API, based on the OpenSearch specification and with support for geography-based queries.
Support for the Open Refine Reconciliation API, which will allow you to more easily link your data with ours.
All new API documentation and interactive tools for all API’s, including integrated example resources and queries.
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Hanečák Peter
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