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Zroje o Urban OpenData a Smart cities

Dobry prehladovy clanok v cestine:

Stav k 27.8.2012



Projekt Open Cities

Financovaný EU. Web:
Open Cities is a project co-founded by the European Union that aims to validate how to approach Open & User Driven Innovation methodologies to the Public Sector in a scenario of Future Internet Services for Smart Cities. It will do so, by leveraging existing tools, trials and platforms in Crowdsourcing, Open Data, Fiber to the Home and Open Sensor Networks in seven major European cities: Helsinki, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Barcelona and Bologna.

OpenData pre Berlin - projekt BODS

Koncepciu realizuje Fraunhofer FOKUS institute Berlin -
10.9.2012 s tam idu pozriet ludi z


 The starting point for the practical realization of this effort included several elements: a preliminary study by Fraunhofer FOKUS assessing the state of urban data in Berlin, a survey of citizens about the desired data sets and the resulting recommendations for action as well as the Berlin Open Data Agenda. In cooperation with the partners of the Berlin Open Data Portal, Fraunhofer is currently working on the development of additional selected open databases and the provision of the necessary tools for their use and processing. In line with the European Open Cities project, Fraunhoer FOKUS is also working on a data platform for other European major cities.

OpenData pre Vieden

link na server:


Mesto Viedeň, spoločne s Úradom kancelára a rakúskymi mestami Linz, Salzburg a Graz, koordinovali svoje aktivity, aby založili spoluprácu pod názvom OGD (Open Government Data) Rakúsko. Na svojom prvom zasadnutí sa skupina dohodla na ôsmich kľúčových bodoch, z ktorých prvý je, že celá verejná administratíva bude voľne prístupná pod licenciou Creative Commons Attribution.

OpenData Zurich

Zurich First Swiss City To Go Open Data

28.6.2012: The city government of Zurich, Switzerland, today launched Switzerland's first open government data portal. After the political decision had been taken last week, the site went live at the Swiss national open data conference, which is taking place today in Zurich. The URL of the portal is

The dataportal was presented by Mar­tin Vollen­wy­der, of the city government and chairman of the finance department, and Andreas Németh, program manager of eZürich, which is responsible for the technical implementation and maintenance.

The portal at launch contains three data sets, freely re-usable for all purposes, on voting results, air quality, and local maps. 

OpenData Otawa, Vancouver, Toronto ...

As part of the City of Ottawa's commitment to improving citizen engagement and enhancing transparency and accountability to its residents, the City is joining other government organizations within Canada and around the world by providing public access to its data.

The Open Data Ottawa site is a first step in creating a foundation that encourages digital innovation, improved service delivery, stimulation of economic growth, and a better understanding of our city. Entrepreneurs, academics, policy-makers and community organizations are just a few of the groups that will benefit from the available information.

The Cities of Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver are working together to improve the OpenData programs in each of the cities including:

  • Sharing technology
  • Commissioning an OpenData Framework report
  • Making improvements to the Terms of Use common across each of the cities
  • Working towards common data standards

NYC Open Data

NYC Open Data makes the wealth of public data generated by various New York City agencies and other City organizations available for public use. As part of an initiative to improve the accessibility, transparency, and accountability of City government, this catalog offers access to a repository of government-produced, machine-readable data sets.


  • NYFacets: "... Open City Metadata Exchange using open standards - creating a hyperlocal "River of Data" ..."
  • Work+: "... People can search for new places to work by telling Work+ about their ideal setup: WiFi? Coffee? Quiet? Work+ will scour nearby Foursquare and NYC WiFi Hotspot locations and and find places that meet their criteria..."
  • ...

Linz Open Data

TODO: prelozit - nie som velmi dobry v nemcine:


  • Statistisch Gesehen

  • Fruchtfliege

  • ...

Palo Alto Open Data Platform

Early in 2012, the City of Palo Alto announced the goal of providing an Open Data platform during the calendar year so we could make our local government more inclusive and transparent. We are excited that it is now live and ready for your use. We encourage you to read the terms of use, suggest datasets, and get help via the navigator on the left of this page.


  • tables and graphs (along with the data itself) provided via

Stav k 21.9.2012 bol 10.9.2012 na návšteve vo Fraunhofer Fokus v Berlíne, aj v súvislosti s ich projektom Berlin Open Data.

Hany sa spoluzúčastnil. Boli načaté možné témy na ďalšiu spoluprácu - tie sú v štádiu riešenia.