Špecifická oblasť OpenData - systémy pre mestá.
Z mojho pohladu velmi pespektívna, pretože ma priamejší dopad na užívateľa - občana či návštevníka mesta.
Populárna prezentácia dát je v mape (vrstva mapy mesta).
Mestá predpokladajú klientské aplikácie pre smartphones.
Rýchla linka: Transparentna samosprava .
Alebo potom viď "Stav" v dolnej časti stránky.
Zroje o Urban OpenData a Smart cities
Dobry prehladovy clanok v cestine: http://www.datablog.cz/clanky/otevrena-data-pro-chytrejsi-mesta
Projekt Open Cities
Financovaný EU. Web: http://www.opencities.net/
Open Cities is a project co-founded by the European Union that aims to validate how to approach Open & User Driven Innovation methodologies to the Public Sector in a scenario of Future Internet Services for Smart Cities. It will do so, by leveraging existing tools, trials and platforms in Crowdsourcing, Open Data, Fiber to the Home and Open Sensor Networks in seven major European cities: Helsinki, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Barcelona and Bologna.
OpenData pre Berlin - projekt BODS
Koncepciu realizuje Fraunhofer FOKUS institute Berlin - http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en/fokus/index.html
10.9.2012 s tam idu pozriet ludi z Opendata.cz
Viac o projekte:http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en/motion/projekte/laufende_projekte/BODS/index.html
Leaflet PDF: http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en/motion/_docs/_downloads_flyer/Leaflet_BerlinOpenData_EN.pdf
BODS - Berlin Open Data Strategy
Data and information are the raw material of the 21st century and public data will therefore play a key role in tomorrow’s cities. The Berlin Open Data Portal daten.berlin.de is the first data portal of its kind in Germany. It provides public data in a structured, machine-readable format and under free license. daten.berlin.de gives companies, organizations and citizens of the modern city a trustworthy access to public data and allows them to process the data for internet based applications and mobile apps.
With 60 on the portal available data sets in 15 categories (status December 10, 2011), Berlin placed an important milestone for the city of tomorrow. Fraunhofer FOKUS has played a decisive role in the conception, implementation and operation of the Berlin Open Data Portal. Therefore a multi-layer architecture was used in order to guarantee an optimal user experience as well as technical sustainability and interoperability. The very heart of the portal is formed by the infrastructure layer that allows the data relevant to the city to be accessed and processed. The software CKAN, short for Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network, of the Open Knowledge Foundation collects and manages the actual data records. The metadata scheme was developed by Fraunhofer FOKUS and is based on the data exchange format JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation.
The starting point for the practical realization of this effort included several elements: a preliminary study by Fraunhofer FOKUS assessing the state of urban data in Berlin, a survey of citizens about the desired data sets and the resulting recommendations for action as well as the Berlin Open Data Agenda. In cooperation with the partners of the Berlin Open Data Portal, Fraunhofer is currently working on the development of additional selected open databases and the provision of the necessary tools for their use and processing. In line with the European Open Cities project, Fraunhoer FOKUS is also working on a data platform for other European major cities.
OpenData pre Vieden
link na server: http://data.wien.gv.at/
Koncepčne rieši: Semantic Web Company http://www.semantic-web.at/
Mesto Viedeň, spoločne s Úradom kancelára a rakúskymi mestami Linz, Salzburg a Graz, koordinovali svoje aktivity, aby založili spoluprácu pod názvom OGD (Open Government Data) Rakúsko. Na svojom prvom zasadnutí sa skupina dohodla na ôsmich kľúčových bodoch, z ktorých prvý je, že celá verejná administratíva bude voľne prístupná pod licenciou Creative Commons Attribution.
OpenData Zurich
Zurich First Swiss City To Go Open Data
28.6.2012: The city government of Zurich, Switzerland, today launched Switzerland's first open government data portal. After the political decision had been taken last week, the site went live at the Swiss national open data conference, which is taking place today in Zurich. The URL of the portal is data.stadt-zuerich.ch
The dataportal was presented by Martin Vollenwyder, of the city government and chairman of the finance department, and Andreas Németh, program manager of eZürich, which is responsible for the technical implementation and maintenance.
The portal at launch contains three data sets, freely re-usable for all purposes, on voting results, air quality, and local maps.
OpenData Otawa, Vancouver, Toronto ...
As part of the City of Ottawa's commitment to improving citizen engagement and enhancing transparency and accountability to its residents, the City is joining other government organizations within Canada and around the world by providing public access to its data.
The Open Data Ottawa site is a first step in creating a foundation that encourages digital innovation, improved service delivery, stimulation of economic growth, and a better understanding of our city. Entrepreneurs, academics, policy-makers and community organizations are just a few of the groups that will benefit from the available information.
The Cities of Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver are working together to improve the OpenData programs in each of the cities including:
- Sharing technology
- Commissioning an OpenData Framework report
- Making improvements to the Terms of Use common across each of the cities
- Working towards common data standards
NYC Open Data
NYC Open Data makes the wealth of public data generated by various New York City agencies and other City organizations available for public use. As part of an initiative to improve the accessibility, transparency, and accountability of City government, this catalog offers access to a repository of government-produced, machine-readable data sets.
Anyone can use these data sets to participate in and improve government by conducting research and analysis or creating applications, thereby gaining a better understanding of the services provided by City agencies and improving the lives of citizens and the way in which government serves them.
Some applications build on-top of that data - courtesy of NYC BigApps 3.0:
- NYFacets: "... Open City Metadata Exchange using open standards - creating a hyperlocal "River of Data" ..."
- Work+: "... People can search for new places to work by telling Work+ about their ideal setup: WiFi? Coffee? Quiet? Work+ will scour nearby Foursquare and NYC WiFi Hotspot locations and and find places that meet their criteria..."
- ...
Linz Open Data
TODO: prelozit - nie som velmi dobry v nemcine:
Auf dieser Homepage stellt die Stadt Linz allen Interessierten Regierungs- und Verwaltungsdaten zur Verfügung. In unterschiedlichen Formaten stehen diese Daten zur freien Wiederverwendung und Weiterverwertung zur Verfügung. Die Daten werden in maschinenlesbarer, offen lizenzierter, nicht proprietärer Form dauerhaft und kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt.
Some applications on-top of that data - courtesy of Apps4Linz:
Statistisch Gesehen
- ...
Palo Alto Open Data Platform
Early in 2012, the City of Palo Alto announced the goal of providing an Open Data platform during the calendar year so we could make our local government more inclusive and transparent. We are excited that it is now live and ready for your use. We encourage you to read the terms of use, suggest datasets, and get help via the navigator on the left of this page.
Our City Open Data platform will enable City staff to post valuable, non-private datasets online in a highly usable format that will allow our community to explore and work with the data. Among the uses include the ability for software engineers to build innovative applications for use by our community and also for website visitors to delve into the data to find answers to their questions.
Some applications on-top of that data:
- tables and graphs (along with the data itself) provided via junar.com, for example http://paloalto.opendata.junar.com/dashboards/7539/2010-census-data/
Stav k 11.9.2017
OpenData.cz vydalo v roku 2015 tzv. publikačné minimá, viď https://opendata.gov.cz/vzor:vzorovy-publikacni-plan-obce-s-rozsirenou-pusobnosti a https://opendata.gov.cz/vzor:vzorovy-publikacni-plan-obce-ostatni .
Od roku 2014 pracuje na mapovaní "lokálnych otvorených údajov" aj OKFN, viď http://census.okfn.org/en/latest/ .
Nuž a v SR máme zhruba od roku 2015 v Akčnom pláne OGP 2017-2019 o.i. odporúčania týkajúce sa Open Data a samopspráv a téma sa v rámci roku 2017 na základe NKIVS zapracúva aj do priorít ISVS, viď napr. Transparentna samosprava.
Dumbala Andrej
Namety k opendata projektu pre mesto Praha pre Hanzlik Ivan
WP6 Development of Pilot Applications
Aplikácia opendata
Hanečák Peter
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