The procedures or tasks, sketched in blue rectangles, are being processed to publish your data. They are contained in modules of ODN.

These modules are well distinguished as the role of each is different.

Each module is dedicated to the given tasks.


The principal tasks you need to execute to finally publish your data from the initial set of data and their corresponding modules are following:

We can resume these procedures also under following activities or phases:

  1. identification of unique resources in the datasets,
  2. reuse of the well-known codebooks / vocabularies / ontologies,
  3. selection of the machine readable formats,
  4. transformation and anonymisation of the data,
  5. development and publication of descriptive metadata,
  6. development and publication of provenance metadata,
  7. cleansing of the data and the data quality assurance
    1. identification and design of the automated enhancement processes,
    2. automatic cleaning and enhancement.

It is not necessary to go deeper into the system, you just find these procedures in following diagram already framed by corresponding ODN modules (they will do it all for you):

TasksODN module
Extracting and transforming source data (datasets), so that they can be published as (linked) open data.UnifiedViews
Storing the transformed data produced by ODN/UnifiedViewsStorage

Managing datasets which should be transformed/published by ODN, allowing only data publishers to see details about the transformation/publishing process

Publishing of the data, allowing publishers to chose the format of published dataPublication

Browsing/searching published datasets´metadata, stocking these metadata, its content is publicly visible

Module responsible for managing the process of dataset transformation and publicationManagement


To publish your data as Open Datasets you will follow publication path

If you already know what to do, follow to section How to ...?

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