basic information:

Interesting products OSS BI tool


Michael Gorriz, CIO Daimler - Semantic website

Daimler manufacturing companies are facing increasing digitization of their products and processes

Computer aided design, need embrace this change

Open standards for data integration - standards (from w3c) are important

From networked computer to linked data

Uri, http,  use unique identifiers, include links to other identifiers so people can learn more, 

Linked data activities in daimler: mercedes benz website:  PoC - factual search, content processes, user experience- extractions of vehicle concepts and attributes from existing data, availability of vehicle concepts using search field

Technological and cultural changes together:

  • LD saves resources, lean technology, is sustainable, reliable w3c
  • Linked data is flexible and application neutral it can be use in various domain
  • LD drives cultural change of the Enterprise
  • building trust and reduce fear of data transparency

Fiona Williams, Ericsson - The next level for verticals

Mobile subscriptions 2018 9,3bn 

People expect live coverage of events service creators not only service enablers

Live video feeds

Experience of user is critical factor for success

Open api

Today energy centered networks

Future distributed and participative market:

  • example: in Bayern, on one sunny day, 50% of energy came from solar - this caused problems for the grid which was build for old "unidirectional power generation" model

New market participants are prosumers, aggregators mobility service operators. 


  • data privacy issues
  • ...

Julie Marguerite, Thales - NESSI view on big data: a new world of opportunities for software services

new approach to trust and security:

  • strategy shifted from prevention of abuse to mitigation of results of abuse

Malte Beyer-Katzenberger, DG CONNECT - The legal framework of the data value chain

EU's open data policy in hash tags, roughly:

  • #opendata
  • #ogd
  • #psi
  • #openaccess

resuse: if you allow it for one in EU, you have to allow it for any other in EU

Open Data is covered by one directive (PSI), but privacy is covered by other, older one and is referenced by PSI => when reusing Open Data, we need to follow also privacy directive

example for reuse: Norwegian Meteorological Institute is charging 0€ for data

Francesco Barbato, DG CONNECT - The European Data Value Chain stakeholder platform

"Malte is not techie, Francesco is techie" (smile) (Malte - see above)

they want to hear from the community to know what they can help with

Richard Benjamins, Telefonica Digital - Big Data - Big Opportunities - Big Risks? And what about Europe?

big data have dangers - for example: incident with DPI at mobile operator without consent from users

Telefonica big data

Big data is velocity, volume variety

Stiahnut slides


Title of Talk: Big Data from an Audio Visual Archive perspective

Head of Partnership BBC Archives


Title of talk: Emerging DaaS business models: A case study

Hjalmar Gislason Founder of

Stiahnut online knowledge resource for eu buildings dtahub for energy performence of buildings


Sap hana database

SQL, ACID compliant, SQLscript for procedural logic, afl for business apps, scalable 250TB memory, HA features



Bríd Dooley

Head of RTÉ Archives, RTÉ Digital

Title of talk: Cross-archival content discovery in the digital landscape; an RTÉ , Digital Repository Ireland and the DERI Research Institute collaboration. Cair usecase


Deri semantic;

Realtime linking



Dominic Byrne

Fingal County Council, 

Assistant Head of Information Technology

Title of Talk: Irish Open Data Reuse Exemplars

Fingal opendata website

Dublinlinked 250datasets





Internationalisation Tag Set

ITS2.0 is "Dublin Core" of multilingual web eu forum for multilanguage technology

Open standards, defined metadat for localization

Practical PostgreSQL

POstgres - practical choise for european data small and big

A look at how and where the PostgreSQL advanced open source database is being used in European science and industry, for both big and small data, with discussion of how things are changing over time. Talk includes a look at the various requirements big data imposes for various use cases and how we currently cope  with these challenges. We also discuss the AXLE project and its impact and importance in various industries.


Title of Talk:  Towards Interoperable Visualization Applications Over Linked Data

Ghislain Auguste Atemezing, Raphael Troncy

Stiahnut ppt


Bernadette Hyland W3C


Co-chair W3C Government Linked Data WG

Ms. Hyland is CEO of 3 Round Stones, a Linked Data company based Washington,D.C., and co-chair of the W3C Government Linked Data Working Group. Bernadette is an advocate of open data and Web standards for better knowledge sharing. She has been a founder of several successful startup companies and actively supported Open Source projects related to RDF and Linked Data, including the Mulgara Semantic Store, Persistent URLs and the Callimachus Project. She is an editor of the W3C Best Practices for Government Linked Data and author of peer reviewed chapters on Linked Data.


Linking Government Data (chapter author, Springer, 2011)

Linked Enterprise Data (chapter author, Springer 2010)


Delivering on Standards for Government Linked Data - A W3C Working Group Report


Three years ago, several pioneering members of the data transparency effort looked to the Web’s standards organization, the W3C, to help charter a working group to provide standards and other information to help governments around the world publish their data as effective and usable Linked Data. The

Government Linked Data working group, a part of the eGovernment Activity and closely connected with the Semantic Web Activity, has collected and is making available information about government Linked Data activities around the world. It has used that information and the experience of its participants to develop W3C  Recommendations for Best Practices and for RDF Vocabularies necessary for publication of government data as Linked Data.

The W3C Government Linked Data working group is comprised of over 60 group participants, of which more than 20 are active members who meet weekly and are predominantly from Europe. A third of the members are from commercial firms, a third from research / academic institutions and the balance from federal, central government and non-profit organizations (see: Collectively, the members are involved in government open data projects publishing content of global relevance.

This presentation will highlight the progress of this working group as the charter draws to a close in May 2013. We’ll describe:


The progress of the W3C Government Linked Data working group to date;

Highlight the Community Directory, Best Practices and Standard Vocabularies; and

Describe first steps that government authorities can take to start publishing 4 and 5star linked data to the Web of Data.

Post conference information

The official EDF2013 teaser video:

All slides of the keynotes and presentations of EDF2013 are collected in EDF2013 SlideDeck:

EDF2013 photo streams:


some photos (courtesy of EDF2013 photo streams):

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