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Špecifická oblasť OpenData - systémy pre mestá.
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OpenData pre Berlin - projekt BODS

Koncepciu realizuje Fraunhofer FOKUS institute Berlin -
10.9.2012 s tam idu pozriet ludi z

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BODS - Berlin Open Data Strategy

Data and information are the raw material of the 21st century and public data will therefore play a key role in tomorrow’s cities. The Berlin Open Data Portal is the first data portal of its kind in Germany. It provides public data in a structured, machine-readable format and under free license. gives companies, organizations and citizens of the modern city a trustworthy access to public data and allows them to process the data for internet based applications and mobile apps.

With 60 on the portal available data sets in 15 categories (status December 10, 2011), Berlin placed an important milestone for the city of tomorrow. Fraunhofer FOKUS has played a decisive role in the conception, implementation and operation of the Berlin Open Data Portal. Therefore a multi-layer architecture was used in order to guarantee an optimal user experience as well as technical sustainability and interoperability. The very heart of the portal is formed by the infrastructure layer that allows the data relevant to the city to be accessed and processed. The software CKAN, short for Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network, of the Open Knowledge Foundation collects and manages the actual data records. The metadata scheme was developed by Fraunhofer FOKUS and is based on the data exchange format JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation.

 The starting point for the practical realization of this effort included several elements: a preliminary study by Fraunhofer FOKUS assessing the state of urban data in Berlin, a survey of citizens about the desired data sets and the resulting recommendations for action as well as the Berlin Open Data Agenda. In cooperation with the partners of the Berlin Open Data Portal, Fraunhofer is currently working on the development of additional selected open databases and the provision of the necessary tools for their use and processing. In line with the European Open Cities project, Fraunhoer FOKUS is also working on a data platform for other European major cities.

OpenData pre Vieden

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Koncepčne rieši: Semantic Web Company

Mesto Viedeň, spoločne s Úradom kancelára a rakúskymi mestami Linz, Salzburg a Graz, koordinovali svoje aktivity, aby založili spoluprácu pod názvom OGD (Open Government Data) Rakúsko. Na svojom prvom zasadnutí sa skupina dohodla na ôsmich kľúčových bodoch, z ktorých prvý je, že celá verejná administratíva bude voľne prístupná pod licenciou Creative Commons Attribution.

OpenData Zurich


Zurich First Swiss City To Go Open Data

28.6.2012: The city government of Zurich, Switzerland, today launched Switzerland's first open government data portal. After the political decision had been taken last week, the site went live at the Swiss national open data conference, which is taking place today in Zurich. The URL of the portal is

The dataportal was presented by Mar­tin Vollen­wy­der, of the city government and chairman of the finance department, and Andreas Németh, program manager of eZürich, which is responsible for the technical implementation and maintenance.

The portal at launch contains three data sets, freely re-usable for all purposes, on voting results, air quality, and local maps.




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