Roles in ODN

To know where to go on in your work with Open Data Node, just think about your role, your tasks or your interests concerning Open Data.

It is highly probable that at least one of following assertions is true:

  • you are interested in open data and want to work with them
  • you are responsible for open data transformation or/and publication or/and search and consumption or/and developing new applications using open data
  • you have already installed your ODN platform 
  • you fall into one of the 2 principal (admin, user) and 4 working roles (admin, user data publisher, user data consumer/user data consumer - application developer) defined for ODN by their typical activities.


You only need to go through or download publicly available datasets and display, classify, filter and sort what you can find there?You expect to do the activities of data consumer  but first of all you need to collect data, prepare, organize, sort, publish, update and archive open datasets?Installation, management, changes, upgrade, publication, downloading, conversion,... All this and a lot of other occupations, you are IT responsible and assigned to install, manage, update ODN?

You are

USER - Data Consumer.

You are

USER - Data Publisher.

You are 


Data consumer is accessing publicly available dataset records, its metadata and data (resources), anybody who consumes data. It could be general public or also a data publisher tuning the pipelines. Data consumer is not to be logged in the system, he does neither need to have ODN installed. He can eventually develop new applications for working with Open Data to become then user Data Consumer - DEVELOPER.

Data publisher is responsible for managing dataset records, (create, modify, update, delete). Publisher is allowed to publish collected and transformed (converted, anonymized and enriched) data and to keep them up to date.

ODN admin is responsible for administration and management of instance of the ODN.

Installs, updates, configures the ODN platform




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